Task: Pick a company you are passionate about and redesign their logo, homepage, and one subpage. In addition, create an information architecture and sitemap for the homepage and subpage.

CKO Kickboxing logo inspiration:
- The 'O' represents a kickboxing bag
- The box surrounding the logo type represents a boxing ring and the end of the ring is holding the kickboxing bag up. In addition, the ring is not enclosed because I wanted to display that CKO Kickboxing is nonjudgemental, friendly, and welcoming of all ages and experience level
- The three lines within the kickboxing bag represent the three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced... Referencing that no matter what skill level you are, you all work out within the same class
New CKO Kickboxing studio entrance mockup
CKO Kickboxing

CKO Kickboxing
